Chocolatedreamz Wiki

{panting} I don't want to look back. I don't want to see him again. I don't want to ever talk to him again..

Flora frowns. "Nora! Where have you been?! The school's about to close!" I know, but.. {sigh} "Sorry sister..but..I saw him.." {gasp}

Her eyes widen. "Who's..'him'?" ...... {heavy sigh} {dark chuckling} OH NO. Laura tilts her head. "..N? You alright? You're a bit-------" {choking} "..Oh. My. Gosh!!!" ..Told you.

Flora turns to Laura, confused. "What is it? What's going------" {crash} !!!!!!!!!! Did Lucas just..SLAM ANOTHER GIRL AGAINST THE WALL?!?!

I flush, panicking. "Um, can we PLEASE get out of here?" They both nod. "Thank God! Come on, let's go-------" {grunt} NO. DON'T. STOP. Both of my sisters stare down the hallway. "Is that..who I THINK it is?!?!" Laura whispers. Yep.

Flora rolls her eyes. "That's the bully, right?" Mmhm. "Yes." {groan} "..Lame. Anyways, why don't we stop by the ice cream shop?" ..REALLY?!?! {happy sigh} "You''re kidding, right?"

She shakes her head. "Nope, believe it or not. I just started my new job, remember?" ..Um.. "..Not really." {facepalm} "Well, you two wait here, while I purchase some ice cream. After that, we're heading home. Got it?" Yes.

Laura and I nod. "Mmhm!" {sigh of relief} "Thank you. I'll be riiiight back.." {walking} Flora happily skips away, holding her small purse. ..Must be nice to have some money.

..Oh no. I think he's heading THIS way. I tug on Laura's dress. She raises an eyebrow. "Nora..what is it?" ..A drink of water. "..Can I get some water from the fountain? Please?" {chuckle} "Of course you can. Hurry back soon, though. Flora will be back in a few minutes." I know, I know.

{huffing} "Okaay!!" I run towards the water fountain, turning a corner of another hallway. {smack} "Hey! Watch where you're----{gasp}" !!!!!!!! OOP. OH. MY. GOODNESS. It's him..Lucas..
